Operational Management Committee
The Operational Management Committee of Digital Public Services Switzerland plans and coordinates strategy implementation. It is also responsible for drawing up the implementation plan.
The Operational Management Committee has eighteen members, i.e. the Digital Public Services Officer plus five members for the Confederation, seven for the cantons and five for the communes. The areas of eGovernment, digital public services and IT are appropriately represented – the Political Management Committee has set the specialist requirements. Members are appointed for four-year terms.
The Confederation is represented by:
- Daniel Markwalder, Delegate Digital Transformation and ICT Steering;
- Florian Schütz, Federal Cyber Security Delegate;
- Georges-Simon Ulrich, Director-General of the Federal Statistical Office;
- Michael Schöll, Director of the Federal Office of Justice;
- Dirk Lindemann, Director of the Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication, Representative of the IT Operators Conference.
The cantons are represented by:
Die Vertretung der Kantone setzt sich zusammen aus:
- Michael Kammerbauer, canton of Bern;
- Stéphane Schwab, canton of Freiburg;
- Reto Fahrni, canton of Solothurn;
- Eva Boretti, canton of Thurgau;
- Silvano Petrini, canton of Ticino;
- Cédric Roy, canton of Valais.
- Lukas Muggli, canton of Zug.
The Swiss Union of Cities and the Association of Swiss Communes each appoint one person. A further three members are appointed by the communal representatives in the Assembly of Delegates.
Already designated:
- Lucas Nicolussi, Chief Digital Officer, city of Uster, appointed by the Swiss Union of Cities
- Gérald Strub, board member and appointed by the Association of Swiss Communes
- Hélène Mourgue d'Algue, CIO and head of logistics, city of Biel.
The Operational Management Committee is responsible for implementing the strategy and for drawing up the implementation plan for submission to the Political Management Committee. The individual tasks are set out in Article 5.3.1 of the public-law framework agreement.
The Digital Public Services Officer for the Confederation and Cantons chairs the Operational Management Committee. It meets as required by its business, but at least six times a year. It also meets if requested to do so by at least five delegates. It aims for consensus-based decision-making.